The SAS PLISSER soap pleat wrapping machines are suitable to wrap toilet soap bars with suitable paper/film from reel. The production speed depends on the specification and quality of the wrapping material and product to be wrapped.
Soap bars shapes can be preferably banded but also bandless, preferably round but also slightly oval.
The soap bar is fed by a belt conveyor and then positioned by a pusher on top of the wrapping area, on the other side the paper is unrolled, punched and taken just below the soap bar. Now a pusher lowers the soap bar which meets the paper and pass through the pleated mold and the iris blades complete the wrapping. The wrapped soap is then taken to the labelling position and finally discharged on the outlet belt conveyor.
Change-over is user-friendly and quick.
Model available:
- PLISSER/50 up to 50 wpm
- PLISSER/75 up to 75 wpm
- PLISSER/150 up to 150 wpm